Thursday, June 24, 2010


Designed a new Intro Video for Xanadu Games' Xanbats Season 2

Listening to the Honey Trees.

Friday, June 18, 2010

The Last in Line

Did a quick Cinema4D text intro for my friend Dave's boxing cast, and ran a MoGraph physics test for the sake of..running a physics test.

Getting a good idea of how Cinema4D works; it's an extremely efficient utility and also capable of high quality results. Will be experimenting more with text likely in the near future.

I've been tossing around various ideas for an anti-zombie product infomercial revolving around motion tracking; stay tuned. In the meanwhile, here's the Dio album I've been rocking for the past week or so. You should, too. One Night in the City, Evil Eyes, and the title track bring that ageless, core metal that is too good.

Friend's music project, recently made the AOL Spinner a week or so back. Good vibes.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Early June

Been listening to 1900s stuff over 2000s stuff the past week or two.


Been keeping myself as productive as possible, learning how to use CSTools in Cinema4D and working on several different After Effects projects.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Inspiration March 8

Inspiration post.

Visually, maybe you could buy me this treehouse or these posters.

On the music side of things, Florence and the Machine hasn't left my car's CD player for at least a month.

On the film side of things, maybe I will see this movie.

Food for thought.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Welcome Back

Now that the post-Evo rush has ended and I've eased into a more comfortable schedule, I can dedicate the appropriate attention to this blog and its content. I'll be revamping it as a more arts-design-inspiration centric blog, as opposed to a blog for game theory and design.

I'll take this space to point to Tobias Boesen's Out of A Forest.

Out Of A Forest from Tobias Gundorff Boesen on Vimeo.

This stop-motion animation is absolutely brilliant and well polished. The lanterns dangling off tree branches is an enchanting visual kick and really establishes that 'homey' warmth while also setting it outside the typical; absolutely love it. I'm also impressed that the guy shot stop-motion outdoors - even at NIGHT - undoubtedly a giant pain in the ass.